

Plant diseases and pests can pose a serious threat to food security and the livelihoods of the global farming community. Statistics show that pest and disease outbreaks can result in losses as high as 30% in crop yields, especially in developing countries. In 2020, we came together to form Agrice, a privately held corporation, to address this challenge that cuts across many nations around the world.

Realizing that conventional methods of plant disease diagnosis were either unavailable, inadequate, or too costly to meet the needs of the crop farming community, we came up with a plant diagnostic application that would enable early disease detection to be done rapidly and accurately for better plant health management.

The idea was to do away with visual observation, which is highly subjective and unreliable, and replace it with a novel disease detection technique – namely, a mobile application and drone-related software that can diagnose various crop-related diseases. The app uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning-based algorithms to inform the users of any nutrient deficiencies caused by the disease and advises on appropriate treatments for the condition.

As a result, gardeners, farmers, and agronomists can now benefit from an application that can be downloaded into their smartphones for a fee. Currently, most plant disease diagnostic applications are cloud-based, but ours has broken new ground in this respect because it doesn’t require an internet connection to work.

OUR Vision

Be part of the solution in eliminating the world-hunger by assisting the farmers in improving the yield of their crops through the use of high-tech artificial intelligence.

OUR Mission
Sustain a profitable growth through superior customer value-add offerings, innovation, delivering the highest quality, and commitment to our customers, our employees, and our suppliers.

Our goal is to make plant disease diagnostic services available to everyone who needs them simply and affordably. We believe that this can go a long way towards improving early disease detection and reducing the spread of disease, thereby enhancing food security. The disease diagnosis application will also serve as an important tool of the trade for professionals such as agronomists and plant pathologists, and it can also be used in institutions of research and higher learning to train students and staff on planet disease diagnosis techniques.

What makes us different?

We promise to offer an improvement in the current plant disease diagnostic solutions available in the market in terms of accuracy, reliability, speed, and simplicity in usage. Our product has a novel approach towards detecting plant diseases because it uses a high-quality data set generated by many farms from different global locations and spread across many different crops over a number of seasons. The app also enables monitoring to start early from crop establishment and enables the farmer to have a more targeted approach for crop protection, saving on the cost of agrochemical inputs.

About Agrice

Plant diseases and pests can pose a serious threat to food security and the livelihoods of the global farming community. Statistics show that pest and disease outbreaks can result in losses as high as 30% in crop yields, especially in developing countries. In ______ [state the year product was conceptualized], we came together to form Agrice, a privately held corporation, to address this challenge that cuts across many nations around the world.

Realizing that conventional methods of plant disease diagnosis were either unavailable, inadequate, or too costly to meet the needs of the crop farming community, we came up with a plant diagnostic application that would enable early disease detection to be done rapidly and accurately for better plant health management. The idea was to do away with visual observation, which is highly subjective and unreliable, and replace it with a novel disease detection technique – namely, a mobile application and drone-related software that can diagnose various crop-related diseases. The app uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning-based algorithms to inform the users of any nutrient deficiencies caused by the disease and advises on appropriate treatments for the condition.

As a result, gardeners, farmers, and agronomists can now benefit from an application that can be downloaded into their smartphones for a fee. Currently, most plant disease diagnostic applications are cloud-based, but ours has broken new ground in this respect because it doesn’t require an internet connection to work. 

OUR Vision

Be part of the solution in eliminating the world-hunger by assisting the farmers in improving the yield of their crops through the use of high-tech artificial intelligence.


OUR Mission

Sustain a profitable growth through superior customer value-add offerings, innovation, delivering the highest quality, and commitment to our customers, our employees, and our suppliers.




OUR Goal

Our goal is to make plant disease diagnostic services available to everyone who needs them simply and affordably. We believe that this can go a long way towards improving early disease detection and reducing the spread of disease, thereby enhancing food security. The disease diagnosis application will also serve as an important tool of the trade for professionals such as agronomists and plant pathologists, and it can also be used in institutions of research and higher learning to train students and staff on planet disease diagnosis techniques.

What makes us different?

We promise to offer an improvement in the current plant disease diagnostic solutions available in the market in terms of accuracy, reliability, speed, and simplicity in usage. Our product has a novel approach towards detecting plant diseases because it uses a high-quality data set generated by many farms from different global locations and spread across many different crops over a number of seasons. The app also enables monitoring to start early from crop establishment and enables the farmer to have a more targeted approach for crop protection, saving on the cost of agrochemical inputs.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim.


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Marketing Manager

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Marketing Manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisiut aliquip ex ea commodo. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.

Magic Web Coding

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Creative Design

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Web Development

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Meet our team

We are a group of engineers, financial managers, and experts in agriculture that are passionate about developing technologies in the agriculture domain.